Fair Usage Policy
LeadNXT offers its extensive network capacity to customers, providing unlimited call forwarding to clients anywhere in India. This ensures reasonable data transfer levels, so typical users are unlikely to exceed normal data usage.
In line with practices followed by leading international cloud telephony providers, and our commitment to delivering the best telephony experience, LeadNXT has adopted a Fair Usage Policy (FUP). This policy aims to prevent network disruptions and ensure optimal network utilization, so all eligible customers can enjoy uninterrupted services.
LeadNXT provides advanced call forwarding capabilities, allowing you to route calls wherever needed. Whether you’re doing business internationally or within India, our services help you stay connected.
To accommodate typical usage, we’ve set a limit of 1000 minutes of monthly calls per channel for all unlimited tariff plans.
In the event of excessive usage, LeadNXT will contact the customer to investigate if the usage was due to a virus infection. We reserve the right to suspend services immediately and offer an alternative call plan or terminate the service if we determine, at our sole discretion, that the use of the service or device is inconsistent with these terms.